Pastor Luvens J. Morency speaking to church congregation

Our Vision

We are committed, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in a spirit of Christian charity to fight for the advancement of this Church in wisdom, holiness and consolation. To grow its spirituality and prosperity and sustain its worship, ordinances, disciples and doctrines to contribute cheerfully and regularly to maintain his ministers at the expense of the Church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel among all nations.

We also undertake to maintain family worship and prayer in secret to raise our children in Christian ways. To work for the salvation of our parents and our neighbors, walk carefully in the world, be just in our dealings, faithful to our commitments, be examples of good conduct, avoid and flee all gossip, slanderers and any anger. To prevent the sale and use of intoxicating drinks and tobacco, while in contrast, to be zealous in our efforts to the advancement of God’s kingdom.

We further commit to watch each other with brotherly love, to support each other in our prayers, to help each other in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy in our feelings, politeness and in our speech. To be slow to formalize ourselves if offense occurred and always ready for reconciliation. To submit to the rules of our Lord without delay.

We are committed furthermore in the event of moving to another location to join another Church that professes the same faith as ours, or we can act in the spirit of this covenant and by the word of God.

Luvens J. Morency